THE GOOD LIFE requires that we take pleasure in new things; A GOOD LIFE requires that we take pleasure in moments.To enjoy THE GOOD LIFE we have to get ahead; to enjoy A GOOD LIFE...
—Steve Goodier
Successful people realize the importance of a healthy body and a healthy mind. They know that the two are inextricably inter-linked and imperative for their smooth functioning. They follow a strict regimen of healthy habits...
—Andy Paula
Wellness Salute!
—SupaNova Slom
There is no work-life balance. We have one life. What’s most important is that you be awake for it.
—Janice Marturano
We don’t experience our professional and personal lives as separate worlds; they are intertwined and holistic.
—Tom Hayes
When nothing else worked, we created a holistic, hand-tailored program that saved Pax’s life. At Passages, he and I use what we learned in curing him to help other discover the roots of their addiction...
—Chris Prentiss
How do you think your body and mind would respond if you were surrounded by psychologists, psychiatrists, or drug and alcohol counselors who subscribed to the belief that “once an alcoholic or addict, always an...
Saya melihat tumor itu semacam pemicu untuk saya mencari lebih dalam, mempertemukan saya dengan lebih banyak pengetahuan, membuka mata saya bahwa penyakit bukan sekadar gangguan. Tapi kode. Kode dari tubuh bahwa ada hal dalam hidup...
A traditional doctor gets paid to push pills, vaccinate, radiate, and basically exterminate people. No different than a contract killer—except the hit man is more honest, as he doesn’t claim to be helping humanity. Holistic...
—Jarod Kintz
If you love too much, you lose yourself.If you love too little, you never find yourself.
—Janet Gallagher
The myth of quantum consciousness sits well with many whose egos have made it impossible for them to accept the insignificant place science perceives for humanity, as modern instruments probe the farthest reaches of space...
—Victor J.
His teachings, said his disciple Musaeus, had one simple theme: ‘Everything comes into being from the One and is resolved into the One again.
—Ann Wroe
Alternative healing does not always offer a quick fix of a symptom, but it does offer a permanent healing that resonates beyond physical well-being. It creates a total uplift in attitude, enhanced spiritual awareness, and...
—Alice McCall
Your body is a Temple. You are what you eat. Do not eat processed food, junk foods, filth, or disease carrying food, animals, or rodents. Some people say of these foods, ‘well, it tastes good’.Most...
Calling holistic medicine “alternative medicine” is no longer appropriate. The best approach now is “integrated medicine” in which we take the best of both worlds.
—Candess M.
What if there were health food stores on every corner in the hood, instead of liquor stores!?
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