May you find comfort and peace in every situation.
From now on it is not dying we must fear, but living.
Holy Dying”, extract from chapter IV.I (The Practice of Patience) para 5.
Only the dying know what real loneliness is.
I don’t want–to go–I don’t want–to leave you–Eden–
I want to tell them that almost dying is awfully easy. Its the living that’s hard.
Going insane would be worse than dying. At least death is clear and final
I am not worried about dying, what I am worried about is not living
In the midst of life we are in death,'” said Miss Ophelia.
Living is too hard right now. Dying is easy. Let me die.
Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love.
What is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying.
All but one of Zoe Pendergraft’s friends were dead.
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