When two evil guys fight in a duel,the worst of both will be the winner.
The worst guilt is to accept an unearned guilt.
I’ve heard some duff Irish accents. The worst must be Mickey Rourke.
I think the worst thing that can happen to a good actor is fame.
I grew up in Boca Raton, Florida – the worst place on earth.
Love is a gift. Mine comes in a box that’s shaped like a coffin.
Commitments are one of the worst things to have in the music business. They’re very annoying.
Tell me a story. Be my storyteller.
I am always the source of the worst rumors about myself.
I am the worst influence. If you can’t handle your vices, then I am the Devil.
One of the worst things about racism is what it does to young people.
Government is at its worst when you have apathy from its citizens.
The worst thing you could ever get is people who think they know everything.
It’s… cleared up… nicely.” Dove twisted her hand into her hair.
Maybe he wouldn’t say anything, which is the worst thing men do.
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
This stuff is off the charts. I could eat vats of it.
She not only expects the worst, but makes the worst of it when it happens.
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