We don’t need to reach the end of the road to learn that we were on the wrong road.” Page 7.
—Assegid Habtewold
If you truly have character and respecting others is your core value, you respect everybody regardless of who they are, what they believe and how they behave…
When someone respects you, s/he confronts you in private before taking you in public and/or stabbing in the back and backbiting you…
Don’t confuse your mentor with your buddies. Unlike the latter, your mentor isn’t contented with where you’re in life right now…
As a leader, 1st, work on yourself- increase your self-awareness. There shouldn’t be any other urgent agenda than this. Get enlightened! Know very well who you’re including your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots!
Don’t take it personal. Whether people like or dislike you, it most probably is because of your beliefs, principles, and values…
Having the big picture in mind enables us to overcome the day to day routines that attempt to distract us from pursuing our dream.
When you put yourself and your interest ahead of the people you intend to serve, it doesn’t take long to find out that it’s a recipe for disappointment.
Many things might have caused pain this year. The good thing is that we would not have felt them if we weren’t alive. Thankful that I’m alive!
The few people who earned my respect are those who are predictable in their character but totally unpredictable the way they think!
Keep on smiling, treat people with respect, be cool even if some may not treat you the same. How people treat you doesn’t change who you’re.
Even if you communicate sincerely and your intentions are upright, if people don’t have trust, they speculate your every move…
Increase your self-awareness up to the point where you shouldn’t depend on the opinions of others about who you truly are…
If I have to choose between a person who has everything but loyalty and another who has nothing but loyalty, I go for the latter. Go loyal!
Setbacks are common enemies of both achievers and people whose dream cut short. The difference is that the former persist against continual setbacks while the latter quit.
Your true conviction is tested not when everything goes your way but rather when things go wrong…
When you live from the inside out, it doesn’t matter how chaotic the the world around you is. You’re at peace with yourself and walk with your own pace.
Character isn’t all about becoming a saint or perfect. No one is perfect! There are areas we all are working on to improve and fine tune..
True determination is betting on your solemn decision regardless of the gloomy realities surrounding the thing you resolved to pursue.
When people don’t trust you, they may walk with you but they second guess every step you take- don’t believe what you say is what you mean…
Whenever someone ‘pretends’ as perfect, never made a mistake, error, sin in his life, I know that he has never been in the field…
You can’t train people loyalty. A person with loyalty is a great asset than a smart but disloyal one…
Are you worthy of realizing your dream? If you said yes, there is no short cut. You’re going to encounter setback after setback until you realize your dream.
The worst weapon of your enemy, rival, competitor, distractor is creating self-doubt in you and/or your team. They cannot win you without first destroying your self-worth.
No one deserves to rent your heart, especially those who hurt you. Your heart is precious and deserves to store your great memories!
The character of someone shouldn’t be measured based on what they eat, drink or the way they dress. Character that commands following is more than demonstrating some ‘nice’, ‘cute’, ‘appealing’ behaviors. It is deeper than...
Life without making progress is dead. What is life if you don’t embrace new truths that scare you, meet people who intimidate you, and so on.
Many people desire to be trusted but they don’t do things that make them trustworthy…
Pride begins when someone starts to assume that s/he is the custodian of all truths and attempts to be right in all circumstances, which is IMPOSSIBLE!
To avoid surprises later, spend enough time to know people initially. Don’t just ask the obvious. Go the extra mile… Be creative and unconventional…
Don’t allow others to put a cap on you. Don’t simply agree when someone draws your own finishing line. You’re the captain of your destiny!!!
Every new self-discovery leads you to more wholeness, opens your heart, makes you humble, and a better person to serve and love others.
Your track record, and great achievements may prompt people to invest their resources such as time and money, not their heart.
The line between ego and healthy self-esteem is very delicate. We should know when we cross this line, switch side, and become egotistical.
When you violate the law of growth, your influence winds down, your progress gets arrested, and many more negative consequences…
PROMISING, VOWING…cannot earn us trust. Trust can’t be generated overnight. No SHORT CUT! It takes DOING over a very long period of time.
Success is relative. We shouldn’t compare the financial success between a person born into riches and the one born into abject poverty.
Leading a grateful life should be more than a feeling and a habit. It should be our core value, which we should respect no matter what.
If you’re a true student of the truth, you may easily get frustrated when people try to make points based on mysticism and cultural beliefs.
We should invest on our personal development not only to outgrow challenges but also maximize every opportunity that comes on our way.
Your haters may stage fake games that they know you cannot win so that you may fail and put that blame on you and in turn doubt yourself.
When you get obsessed about yourself and remain busy in promoting yourself, you will quickly learn that people forgot about you the moment you were out of their sight. On the other hand, when you...
Until the ego dissolves or evolves to become one with our true self, we remain slaves of our own egos.
The best revenge to get on your distractors is taking the high road. Avoid playing their game, following their murky rules.
Love could be instant and unconditional but trust develops through time. You may not trust wholeheartedly while loving someone unconditionally.
Having unceasingly grateful life requires demonstrating gratitude daily whether our daily life treats us kindly or not.
Those leaders who are conscious of theirs and their organization’s values are quick to take bold actions than those who aren’t yet attuned.
Some people don’t want to take time to differentiate between what is mystical and the truth; and what is cultural and biblical. Don’t be lazy!
An unceasingly grateful life can easily heal from the wounds of hurt and setback. It can also easily shed resentment, hate, and bitterness…
To grow, be humble and ask questions most of the time. When you do so, a wise and smart person sees him/herself in you and treats you with dignity. On the other hand, if you...
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