A brick can be used to represent the zero probability of this book being any good.
—Amy Summers
Instead of stocks investors should invest in blankets, that way they’ll at least have something to keep them warm after they’ve lost all their money when the company goes under.
A brick could create a clear winner in a fight if instead of fighting pillows against blankets, you fought bricks against blankets.
A brick and blanket could be used as a large slingshot, put the brick in the blanket swing it around and release.
Together a brick and a blanket create the perfect metaphor for life. Will you be a brick and make something of your life, or be a blanket and sleep your life away?
A company could use bricks to measure their growth rate. How many bricks have angry investors thrown at you lately? If the answer is none, then your growth rate is probably pretty good… for the...
I had a dream about you last night… you were a giant slinky and I watched you fall down the stairs.
A brick and a blanket together create a blick. That’s it. That’s all I got.
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