Not believing in time is the same as not believing in God.
In reality the universe has no physical reality.
The universe has no value if there is no time.
Time is running out of life, the universe and everything.
The source of life, the universe and everything is time.
The physics is theoretical but time is real.
Define the word moment, and you’ll know whether time exists.
Life is physics, not chemistry or biology.
To become aware of the nature of time is to become aware of singularity.
Once upon a time there was only a moment of time and no any universe.
Time is a journey, not a destination.
You have no idea how big is a moment of time.
Everything is either time or nothing.
Nothing is the other end of everything.
Your true idea is always a dangerous idea.
Time don’t get older, it get better.
Nothing is the key to the heart of everything.
The universe began in a moment and will end in it.
Give me a moment of time and I will build a universe out of it.
Ideas are like sperms. Dangerous ideas are like fertile sperms.
A moment is composed of today, yesterday and tomorrow.
Anything can be created out of nothing.
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