A woman who’s self confident doesn’t need to compete with other females. She knows her worth and lives a purpose filled life.
—Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Stop living in the shadows of another. You’ve been given everything needed to live a purposed filled life. Don’t be a second rate version of yourself.
There may be something going on in your life right now, that seems like a giant, so big that you think it’s impossible to conquer. But, remember no matter how gigantic your problems may be,...
When you do great things, Expect greater things. None of your works are done in vain. You will achieve what you set forth to accomplish!
Your thoughts are certain kinds of seeds in your life. You can water them and allow them to grow on fertile soil. Or, you can let them diminish and wither amongst the weeds. Be careful...
Always being truthful gives you a certain kind of freedom. It springs forth like a fountain splashing throughout your body until it floods your soul. To be honest and to be trustworthy are great attributes....
At any given moment, you circumstances can change. You may not be where you want to be right now. You may not even be doing what you prefer to do. But, if you change your...
Each of us have a winner within. Tap into your potential and gain unlimited success! The only one who can stop you is yourself. Think Positive! Be Optimistic! Don’t be fooled into thinking it can’t...
Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. Allow love and happiness to penetrate throughout your mind and soul. Take time to relax and live in the moment, the now,...
Greatness is achieved when you recognize your own strength. You become unstoppable! Nothing can prevent you from breaking free and claiming the victory.
No matter how hard you try, there are times when things just don’t go as planned. And, it’s not because you are doing something wrong. It is because the thing you are after is not...
Understand your driving force, whether you’re operating out of fear or love. When we operate in fear, we tend to hold back and not get the most from life. When we operate in love, we...
Free your mind from the prison of your past. Time has allowed you to grow and develop into the person you’re meant to be. Now, you are living a purposed filled life.
Everybody is Beautiful and Unique in Their Own Special Way, Beauty goes Beyond the Outer Appearance. I think it’s More Important to have a Beautiful Mind. Stop Comparing Yourselves Amongst Yourselves. Nobody is like You...
Peace of mind comes with truth. Lying requires you to tell different lies over and over again. Tell the truth! Create beautiful memories.
A man that knows your worth doesn’t need to be told how to treat you. That’s a given! You won’t have to question his feelings, his motives, nor his intentions. How will I know? You...
It’s amazing how people can find all the mistakes in the world concerning another person, but look into the mirror every day without making changes within. Stop looking down your nose at others, What does...
If you have a big idea or plan that you desire to execute, don’t depend solely on others to appreciate your efforts. You must have the ability to encourage yourself. At times seeking encouragement from...
People become desensitized to many things going on around them. It is because they always see it on the tv, hear it on the radio, read or watch it on the internet, hear about it...
Once You Realize your Purpose in Life, do whatever it Takes within Good means in order to Fulfill your Destiny. This is Your Life, No One can Live it for You. The Journey is Yours.
Some people are crazy in love. They are so captivated to where they’ve lost themselves. Do not be lured in so deep that you lose the essence of who you truly are.
There is nothing wrong with falling in love. Don’t trip and bump your head only to realize you’re experiencing infatuation.
Poetry is Life. We experience poetry from the time we awake each morning and inhale that fresh breath of air. You are living poetry. Poetry is not defined by the laws of man. Inspiration is...
Thoughts guide you everyday. They become your choices. If you’re not happy with your life, change your thoughts. Think more positive.
Many things are spoken out loud, but be careful of those words that you whisper to yourself. You have the ability to uplift yourself or condemn yourself. If your thoughts are depressingly running across your...
Reap your harvest. (Benefits) You have been sowing seeds on good soil. (Working Hard) Your garden is overflowing abundantly.(Successful) Now is the time for you to fill your basket with the fruits of your labor....
In a world where things are moving so fast, don’t get lost in the midst of it all. Figure out what’s more important to you and proceed with confidence. I know it gets a bit...
Despite what you think you know, sometimes your plans may be interrupted. Because you were designed for a purpose. You are on a mission to achieve greatness. No matter what obstacles lie in your path,...
Let today be the day you embrace your beautiful spirit and shine light for those living in the dark. Light their path so the road traveled will be seen more clearly. You never know how...
Preparation is essential to achieving your goals in life. You don’t want to miss a great opportunity because you were not prepared. Determination and motivation will put you on the right track. You’ve got the...
Truth is Evidence of Love. And, Nothing Can Stop the Power of Trusting and Loving Unconditionally.
Guard your heart and mind against double-minded pretentious beings. Do not allow infiltration beyond the surface. If their influence travels on the inside, they become like an incurable disease.
Don’t go through life with a closed mind. Allow innovations and creativity to flow. We should always challenge ourselves to excel in more ways than one. Be open to ideas or suggestions on how to...
Uplift & Inspire, do not be envious of others success. You are given the same hours in a day. Make it worthwhile! Instead of focusing on what someone else is doing, pay attention to how...
Speak life. Let your voice be heard around the globe. Speak into existence prosperity, peace, love, happiness. Allow yours words to transcend throughout space and time.
I’ve said this before, but people love you for so many reasons. Some love you only for what you do for them. Some love you for how much money you spend. Some love you for...
It is not the quantity of your thoughts but the quality of your thoughts that make the difference. Thoughts can either be productive or a hindrance. But, when we focus our attention on faithfulness and...
Cyber bullying occurs online daily. Most don’t consider their actions or words to be bullying. Here’s a few clues that you’re a cyber bully.(1) You post information about someone in order to ruin their character.(2)...
You are Destined for Greatness. The enemy seeks to destroy your hopes and dreams. It is Important that you Activate Your Faith. Believe with All Your Heart. Nothing is Impossible for God. You shall Fulfill...
You have everything within you to do great things in this world. Maybe, you are inspired to sing a song, write a book or poems, create art in various forms. Or you may decide to...
Live in the present moment, you can’t go back to yesterday, you can’t leap into tomorrow, Today is your second, minute, hour! Embrace It!
Many are never satisfied. They always want more ; and then when they get more, they are still not content. I think mostly because they are trying to keep up with others. You have to...
Unleash your potential. Seek the opportunity to make a difference. Success is attainable. You just have to reach out and grab it.
Talking is great, but don’t ignore the value of listening. Pay attention to the words being spoken. Some people just love the sound of their own voice. And, when another person speaks, they are only...
Prayer still works, you need not be so quick to judge another person. You never know what they are going through. Instead, pray for them. Send encouragement their way.
Idolatry happens when you worship or praise anything excessively to the point of causing you to believe it reigns supreme. All things on this earth are temporal, even your very own desires. Be careful that...
People need to understand that not everyone is out to hurt you. There are still some great people in this world. Do not allow yourself to believe that everyone is up to no good. Just...
Sometimes things will not go as planned, but don’t lose hope. Stay focused on whatever you are trying to accomplish. There will be a breakthrough soon. Understand that all things take time. You may not...
Moral obligations verses Legal obligations. Legally, you must abide by the laws of the land or face the consequences of being fined, imprisoned or both. Moral obligations tend to lean more towards a spiritual nature...
Life is filled with opportunities. Be courageous and fulfill your destiny. You were created for a purpose and once you realize your potential, you become unstoppable. Let no one get in the way of you...
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