An individual being will go through lives and events in cycles on earth until it learns those specific lessons that it had come to learn in each incarnation.
—Thomas Vazhakunnathu
We have the free will to choose how we react to those stimuli every moment of our life and what we choose creates our destiny.
Knowing higher truths ensure that we have a larger perspective where all other things fall in place or start making sense.
When we realize the truth that every creation is an individualized portion of the Creator and we are always one with It then we are ready to live in harmony.
We should keep in mind that there are always more truths to know, and we will know more as we evolve. Being faithful to what we already know is the key that opens the door...
Mind can comprehend things only at its particular level of vibration. As the mind become calm and quiet it can see and understand deeper things.
Many do not have the courage to face the truth of life and instead dwell upon some delusions to escape it. Any such escapism is a major hurdle in spiritual development.
There is an inherent unity and harmony in the universe. The divisions and disharmony we find on earth are created by the perception of separateness that people developed over a period of time.
Whether you practice a traditional religion or a universal version of spirituality, it is necessary to keep an open mind for learning and growing.
Self-realization or self-knowing or awakening is about knowing/ becoming conscious of our true nature and living in harmony with the universe in an ever ascending order.
When we understand the mechanism of life then we can cooperate with it and live an abundant life.
The higher our consciousness the less we are affected by our environment, including race consciousness.
When we change, our environment also has to change so as to be in alignment with what we are.
The mind complex is that portion of the individual being which reflects (like a mirror) the in-pourings of the spirit and the up-pourings of the light body complex. It is where we experience the thoughts,...
The purpose of four incarnative existence is the evolution of the soul. It is to learn, grow and become master of our own life.
We become a master of something only when we know the truth of it. Similarly, when we know the truth of our soul and the oneness of the Universe then we are a Master of...
Our Universe is a multidimensional one; every individual life unit consciously functions in a particular vibratory level (dimension or density) but unconsciously/ subconsciously functions in and through all the other levels, and as the awareness...
The source of all the problems in the world is ignorance – the limited view point or narrow mindedness or the conditioned state of mind. As the individual learn the fundamental truths of life and...
Spiritual Laws ensures that every entity will be at the exact place where it has earned the right to be, by all its previous thoughts, words and actions, including those of the previous lives.
God, the Creator of everything, is not a person but a power and presence whose work is based on definite principles which we call ‘Cosmic Laws’ or ‘Natural Laws’ or ‘Universal Laws’.
The purpose of each incarnation is the transformation spiritual development of the individual. To the extent our day-to-day activities become harmonious with this purpose, that much peace and happiness we can experience
Mind is not a product of brain rather an integral part of the soul, our eternal being. Those who understand this truth can think beyond the material reality and move to higher states of consciousness.
Science and Spirituality are two sides of the same coin and we cannot separate one from the other. Science is trying to find the truth in an objective or physical manner where as spirituality tries...
When we know our true nature, especially the functioning of the mind, we stop being judgmental and become an inspiration and support to others.
Our environment, including the physical body, reflect our inner state – what we are inwardly, our eternal nature. When we renew our mind and transform ourselves, our environment responds to this change automatically.
Spirit does not belong to any particular religion because It has nothing to do with any religion and humanity cannot claim any exclusivity to It because we and our planet is nothing but a drop...
We create our life moment by moment. Only those things that can match our inner vibrational frequency can come into our life.
We know the truth of a matter when we are able to see and understand it. The truth does not change, only our perception of the truth changes depending on how clearly we see and...
The Metaphoton is a web of energy fields or complexes – having three hierarchical complexes called the light complex, mind complex and spirit complex.
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