We built tall buildings, but we have not become any taller.
Everything that looks too perfect is too perfect to be perfect.
The world is always open, Waiting to be discovered.
If emptiness is endless, then everything rests in emptiness.
Without space, there is no time.
The world is a fairy tale; we are its guardians.
God is a cloud from which rain fell.
My mathematics is simple: one plus one = one.
From everything, nothing looks to nothing.
Without nothing, everything would be nothing.
We measure everything by ourselves with almost a necessary conceit.
Everybody talks, but there is no conversation.
Pose your questions to people and you will get countless useless answers.
Neither alive nor dead; No one lets up, No one wins.
Why poetry, you ask? Because of life, I answer.
There are many secrets; don’t try to resolve them all.
This dwarf still observes the world from his own self-imposed height.
After Homer and Dante, is a whole century of creating worth one Shakespeare?
Sound unbound by nature becomes bounded by art.
The world is a navy in an empty ocean.
Devil and God – two sides of the same face.
He awaits himself while walking, out of the icy circle to escape.
With your goal you make the one.
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Is that all?
There are no winners in real games.
Get close to grass and you’ll see a star.
I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides.
It’s not easy to write a poem about a poem.
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